The Regenerative Writing Institute is a creative support hub for game-changers:
wordsmiths, healers, teachers, artists, activists, builders, makers, and movers.
wordsmiths, healers, teachers, artists, activists, builders, makers, and movers.
regenerate (verb)
1. To regrow.
2. To bring into renewed existence.
3. To replace lost or injured tissue.
4. To bring new and more vigorous life.
institute (noun and verb)
1. A society or organization having a particular object or common factor, especially a scientific, educational, or social one.
2. To set in motion or establish (something, especially a program, system, or inquiry.
OUR MISSION is to amplify the voices singing songs of a healthier world.
WE VALUE authenticity, embodiment, and interdependence.
If there's one thing authentic people have in common, it's that they're one-of-a-kind. Utterly unique. They're doing their thing, unabashedly, without excessive dependence on approval, additives, or accolades. Note: when it comes to authenticity, courage is required. Perfection is not. As Dr. Seuss once said, "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."
People have many ideas about how, what, and with whom to create. Embodiment articulates, through tangible form, that which is present in the moment. Less head, more heart. Less an idea of life, more the felt-sense of it. Even when telling of past or future, embodied awareness inhabits the here-and-now, where our deepest creative potency pulses.
Because we're actually connected. Interdependence describes the real-time relationship between earth and its every inhabitant. One person's trash may be another person's treasure, but the key takeaway in this equation is that whatever-you-call-it interacts with both parties. Yes, you are the whole universe, AND we are having a shared experience. Therefore, issues of social justice, environmental stewardship, and holistic wellness come front and center.
With so much of the world running on programming that sucks the very juice from our cells, it’s absolutely critical that we burst bubbles and build bridges. We want to see people of all ages gathered together, sharing food and music and stories and dance. We're not your average hippies, but we're giving peace a chance. We know, in the marrow of our bones, that ALL people are wired for power and purpose...but we can't thrive until we dig out the roots of depression, dependence, disconnection, and dis-ease. We need all hands on deck, and all voices in the choir.
Gina Tang is a wordsmith, activist, musician, and mother. With 16 years in the holistic health and wellness field and over a decade of professional writing and editing experience, she's hanging hats and planting seeds. Learn more!